
Once your order has shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email that you can use to track your order! Sometimes e-mails end up in the spam folder, so please take a look there too!

If you still can't find it, please contact us and we'll be happy to help you!

You will usually receive your order confirmation automatically after placing your order and within 24 hours at the latest by email. If you are missing an order confirmation, please check your spam folder.

If you have not received your order confirmation within this period, please feel free to contact our customer service for further assistance!

Once your order has been placed and imported into our system, we can only make manual changes within a very short time frame.

For example, if you have placed an order with an incorrect delivery address, we would ask you to email our customer service as soon as possible.

We will of course try to resolve the issue for you.

Are you missing an item from your order? We're sorry!

If your order was shipped in a package and you are missing an item, please contact our customer service. Please include the order number, item name and a photo of the package. We will be happy to help you!

Was the wrong item sent to you with your order?

Please contact our customer service . Don't forget to include your order number, the name of the missing item and a photo of the item you received. We will of course exchange the item!

Did you receive a damaged item? Please contact our customer service using the contact form . In such cases, we of course always check whether a subsequent delivery of the item is possible. In any case, we will be happy to find a suitable solution!

In order to clarify the matter as quickly as possible, we ask for a photo of the item where the defect can be clearly seen. As soon as we have the photo, the complaint can be processed further and we will check whether we can offer you an exchange.

Do you have any more questions?

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